What I Offer…
Individual Therapy
Of course, I’m a good listener. That is the basics. But if all I’m doing is listening, we aren’t going to get very far. I have an active and engaged style; offering reflections, asking probing questions, challenging your assumptions, pointing out blind spots, making suggestions. I give homework and propose new behaviors to try out between sessions.
Couples Therapy
I see couples therapy as having much more potential than “improving communication” or preserving a relationship at all costs. A committed romantic relationship can be a crucible in which both partners can stretch and grow. And it can get very uncomfortable while growing. The intention of my work with couples is to help each individual and the pair together navigate contentious times in the direction of greater self-realization, intimacy and the ability to serve a higher purpose.
When appropriate, I bring a particular attention and set of skills to the possibilities for physical touch and physical intimacy within a relationship. Using exercises in the office and work done at home, we can explore how all manner of loving touch can deepen connection, heal old wounds and just be delightful.
Family Therapy
We are social animals who are deeply impacted by the social systems within which we live. In our culture, the most intimately impactful system is the family. Family therapy offers the potent opportunity of looking more closely at your family system to explore its unique strengths and vulnerabilities. This can be meeting with entire nuclear families, with the family as the primary focus or bringing in different family members to augment individual or couples work.
Group Therapy
Group therapy is a dynamic, transformational modality. There is a unique and powerful energy that comes from meeting with a small group of fellow seekers with the collective intention of connecting, learning, and growing. The groups that I run are vibrant endeavors with deep emotional exploration, good humor and skillful navigation of conflict and resolution.
My groups meet weekly or monthly and include regular “intensive” sessions. These “intensives” are ½ day to full weekend events where we deepen the work using somatic exercises, psycho-drama, expressive art, the natural world and more.
Parent Coaching
Many of us in the dominant North American society have lost the “village” and the intact culture that is essential for raising healthy children. And many of us are determined to improve upon the way that we were parented. That leaves us adrift in a sea of parenting books, unrequested advice and making it up as we go along. I offer a style of parent coaching that seeks to explore your value system and remnants of your culture so that you may pass those on to your children in hopes of raising them into thriving adults who are equipped to take on the unique challenges ahead.
Clinical Supervision
As the former Clinical Director of the Catherine Freer Wilderness Therapy Program and in private practice, I have been honored to supervise dozens of therapists over the years. I find it to be some of the most rewarding work that I do. I enjoy sparking passion for clinical excellence, deep scholarship, emotional authenticity and rigorous ethics.
Whether it is working toward licensure, CADC or to deepen your clinical skills as an established therapist, I offer ongoing supervision or short-term consultations.